Category: Good Information

How To Build A Gluten-Free Food Storage

If you are gluten-free, then building a long-term food storage can be difficult. People who are gluten-free for the supposed health benefits have an easier time, because they don’t have to be as vigilant. However, for those who have a gluten-related medical condition, they need to be hyper-vigilant about what they put in their storage. 

Here’s what you need to know about building a gluten-free food storage.

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Essential Tips For Scratch Baking Beginners: Part 3

Scratch baking is an excellent way to make delicious goodies and relieve stress. For scratch baking beginners, though, it can feel overwhelming. Baking is a science, after all, especially when you’re baking from scratch. It can feel like the smallest mistake can result in your recipe not turning out right. That’s why we’re doing this series of tips for scratch baking beginners in order to help you learn the ropes so that you can face your recipes with confidence.

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9 Great Back To School Recipe Ideas

With kids and university students alike headed back to school, finding recipes that work with your busy schedule can be challenging. Delicious as home-cooked meals are, they’re often time-consuming and not very convenient. Parents and university students alike can find themselves resorting to the classics, such as peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or simple spaghetti and meatballs, and getting sick of them fast. 

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of back to school recipe ideas for everything from breakfast to lunch to dinner to provide you with convenient variety. There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy delicious food on a busy schedule! Let’s dive into some back to school recipe ideas that kids and adults alike can enjoy.

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Essential Tips For Scratch Baking Beginners: Part 2

In our previous blog, 3 Essential Tips For Scratch Baking For Beginners, we touched on 3 essential tips to help you succeed in this delicious realm of baking from scratch. Scratch baking beginners and professionals alike know that there’s no shortage of things that can go wrong in a recipe and tricks you can use to make the entire baking process easier. We’re continuing our series of tips for scratch baking beginners with this blog that builds upon our previous 3 essential tips. Once you’ve read that, continue reading below to learn more of our must-know tips for scratch baking beginners that set you up for success in the kitchen. 

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3 Essential Tips For Scratch Baking For Beginners

Scratch baking is an incredibly rewarding hobby that provides you with delectable treats to enjoy after, such as homemade breads, cookies, cakes, and more. For those just starting out in the realm of scratch baking, it can also be incredibly overwhelming. Many people don’t realize just how precise and scientific baking can be and assume that it’s more like cooking, where you can eyeball measurements and season to taste. That’s why we’ve compiled 3 essential tips for scratch baking for beginners to set you up for success.

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Choosing the Right Pie Plate

There are three most common materials used to make pie plates: tempered glass, ceramic, and metal. I’m going to talk about the pros and cons of each, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide which one works best for you.

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Why Take Cooking Classes? 6 Awesome Benefits

Have you ever considered or ever thought why take cooking classes? There are so many reasons to take cooking classes. Even if you aren’t looking to pursue a career in culinary arts, cooking classes can help in multiple aspects of your life. Most cooking classes offered outside of culinary arts schools are designed just for home cooks and bakers.

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Oxygen Absorbing Packets: What Are They and What Do They Do?

If you are anything like me, and I think you are, you love snacks. Specifically, you love beef jerky and will get it in any kind you can get your hands on. So when you’re diving through that package of beef jerky and you find that white package at or near the bottom, at first you don’t think “Hey I want to eat this”, despite the three thousand warning labels for you not to ingest it. Your first question is, “What is this?”

What you have found there isn’t the prize in a Cracker-Jack Box, it’s an oxygen absorbing packet.

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