Category: Good Information

Tips for Beginning Bakers

Yes, I know. What you’re about to read is very basic, but fundamental to successful baking. Over the next several months, I’m going to be sharing with you my baking knowledge, my learning experiences, tips for beginning (and seasoned) bakers, and all the how’s and why’s of baking because my goal is to help you become successful in the kitchen. If you have a recipe fail, (which I have plenty of times) I want you to be able to diagnose the problem, try again, and have it turn our beautifully. I’ve tried recipes for the first time and noticed a problem with the recipe while making it. Because of my baking knowledge, I’ve been able to first, notice the problem, and second, correct it so whatever it was I was baking didn’t end up in a disaster. These are the kinds of things I want you to be able to do too.

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Cooking with Whole Grains

Whole grains are being used more and more as an alternative to rice or pasta in salads, stuffings, and casseroles. They can also be added to soups, pilafs, or as a side dish. You can use the following chart as a one-stop reference guide to cooking the commonly available varieties. Please note that you should always rinse and drain the grains before cooking them. Grains will triple in volume once they have been cooked. 

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Millet: What is it and How to Use it

Discover the extraordinary power of millet, a remarkable grain that has taken the culinary world by storm. Packed with essential nutrients and boasting a delightful nutty flavor.

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How To Tell If Watermelon is Ripe

The only true test of knowing what a watermelon looks like is cutting into its flesh. That’s why so many of us are spending so much time standing in the produce section of our local mega-mart with a perplexed look on our faces and scratching our heads because it can be such a gamble to pick the perfect melon. This method isn’t endorsed by the scientific community or the food police.

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5 Supplements You Should Be Taking

Nature’s Sunshine Supplements are a trusted and reputable source for high-quality, natural health products. With a commitment to purity and potency, their supplements are carefully formulated using only the finest ingredients to support overall health and well-being. Whether you are looking for vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other nutritional supplements, Nature’s Sunshine has a wide range of products to meet your individual needs. Their dedication to quality assurance and rigorous testing processes ensure that you are getting the most effective and safe supplements available.  Kitchen Kneads carries a full line of Nature’s Sunshine for your health needs. 

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Sugars and Sugar Alternatives

There are several different sugars and sugar alternatives out there.  So, which do you choose?  What difference do they make?  How do they impact your health?

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Alcohol Substitutions in Cooking and Baking

The question arises often around here: “What can I use in place of alcohol in my cooking and baking?”  To answer that question we’ve put together a fairly comprehensive info-graphic for you.  We’ve pretty much going to let the chart do the speaking for us.  If you have any questions please ask us in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

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How Long Will My Food Storage Last?

The shelf life of food storage items is always a concern.  How often should you rotate each different food?  We’ve created an infographic for quick reference.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

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Baking at High Altitudes

We’re located in Ogden Utah at an altitude ranging from 4,300 feet to 5,200 feet.  Not much can be more disheartening than finding the perfect recipe, baking it, and having it fail in some way.

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Kitchen Kneads is your one-stop shop for quality grains, flour, kitchen appliances, and other ingredients.

We are Utah’s premier baking and cooking resource!

