Category: Holidays

5 Delicious Spring Holiday Dishes

This year, we’ve had so many spring holidays all in one month – Easter, Passover, Ramadan, and just spring in general! Whether you’re celebrating a special holiday or you just want to host a gathering with seasonal dishes, these delectable spring holiday dishes help you shake off the cold of winter and welcome spring’s new life and sun. We’ll tackle the holidays in alphabetical order and give you one dish for each, plus two that are perfect for the spring season in general.

You don’t need to celebrate a holiday to enjoy these dishes! They’re wonderful for everyone to try, regardless of what you do or do not celebrate the holidays they can be served during. Spring is associated with new life, so why not try something new, after all? From sweet, to savory, and back again, you’re sure to find something you enjoy with these delicious spring holiday dishes.

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The Best Vegan Sugar Cookie Around

Introducing our deliciously guilt-free Vegan Sugar Cookies! Made with a passion for plant-based baking, these delectable treats are perfect for those following a vegan lifestyle or anyone looking for a delightful cruelty-free indulgence. Our cookies are crafted with the finest vegan ingredients, ensuring a delightful taste and texture that rivals traditional sugar cookies. Each bite delivers a melt-in-your-mouth experience, with a subtle sweetness that will satisfy your cravings without any animal products. Whether you’re hosting a vegan gathering, sharing with friends, or treating yourself, our Vegan Sugar Cookies are a delightful choice that will leave you wanting more. Indulge in these scrumptious creations that are not only good for your taste buds but also good for the planet. Try our Vegan Sugar Cookies today and experience the perfect blend of compassion and flavor in every bite!Soft vegan sugar cookies that hold their cookie cutter shapes! Perfect for Christmas, Valentine’s Day or any other holiday. Have fun with easy icing and sprinkles of course!

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Baked Oatmeal

What memories does the word oatmeal bring to your mind? As a child, I grew up on oatmeal and I knew it as the cereal in the round can. At my grandmother’s house it came in tiny packages, all different flavors – just add water and those tiny pieces of fruit would plump up. As I got older, that same oatmeal was in every hotel in the continental breakfast room in those same tiny packages. Fancy hotels still had oatmeal – but now – it was it a big pot steaming with lots of toppings with silver lids and spoons. Yes, oatmeal has been a part of my life forever. My parents used to tell me, “It will stick to your ribs and you won’t get cold when you walk to school.” Of course, I believed them. I even told my daughter the same story. I even have gotten my granddaughter to eat oatmeal by putting frozen blueberries in the hot oatmeal and turning the oatmeal purple. I told her that it was Frozen Oatmeal from the movie and that the princesses eat this delicious dish. We have renamed this wonderful purple dish, “Castle Cereal!!” 

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Ham and Potato Soup and No Knead Amish Bread

Happy New Year’s. I love New Year’s. Time to spend with family and honestly to evaluate how I’ve done in my life the past year and how I can be a better person in the new year. Some may say that resolutions just depress one’s self but I think this is a great time of year for self-reflection and pondering and to set reachable goals.

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Warm Winter Drinks | 3 Amazing Recipes

I love warm winter drinks. I love tea. I can drink hot herbal tea any time of the year. When fall starts, different drinks take priority. A few months ago I was in Alaska and the cooler temperatures were ahead of Utah. I enjoyed a good hot cup of cocoa and I knew the fall season would quickly be upon us. Upon returning to Utah, I knew that I wanted to blog about some of my favorite fall and holiday drinks. I find that I will fill my thermos when I am on the road or enjoy a mug curled up with a good book or a holiday movie with cocoa or steamer. These drinks have the perfect aroma that fills the house with the perfect holiday smells and creates the feeling of Christmas. This is a perfect week with the colder weather to enjoy these flavors.  All of these drinks can be created to be vegan.

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Mincemeat Pie and Tarts

Mincemeat is a word that we hear at Christmastime. What exactly is mincemeat? Mincemeat is a combination of apples, raisins, fruits, and citrus peel, blended with sugar and spices to make a delicious filling for baking. This filling is usually made into mincemeat pie, but tarts, shortbread, cookies, breads, and more are additional options to enjoy this delicious filling.

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Gingerbread Cookies and Gingerbread Cake | The Perfect #1 Holiday Spice

Gingerbread is a favorite for the holidays, whether it’s gingerbread cookies or cake. Ever wonder where it came from?

This post will be written by both of us Kitchen Kneads bloggers, Dawn and Allison, each answering some questions and sharing a recipe for gingerbread cookies and gingerbread cake. We hope you have fun reading! We definitely found the history surrounding gingerbread so much more fascinating than we thought it would be and we hope you do too!

After you’re done reading, we hope you’ll go have fun baking each variety and sharing it with your family this Christmas season.

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Banana Chocolate Cream Pie

After a whole month of a pie a day, wow, that’s a lot of pie. I am doing 2 last posts. One post will be my favorite pie and the other will be what I learned about pie making to share with you. A couple of weeks ago, I had a pie delivered to me. A chocolate banana cream pie covered in delicious home-made whipped cream. This pie was amazing. I found I could eat it for 3 meals a day if I let myself. I did share a piece with a neighbor but I learned something so valuable not just about banana chocolate cream pie but something much more. I have heard several times in life we “break bread together” and yes, a hot loaf of bread out of the oven is divine and smothered with honey, jam, or butter…yum! Pie, I have decided when shared is true friendship, caring, and love.

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Autumn Surprise Pie

This autumn surprise pie reminds me of a holiday apple pie. The blend of apples, pears, and cranberries with a touch of rum flavoring is delicious, especially with vanilla ice cream. To be honest, the pictures that you are seeing is the second pie I made of this style. I am not a fan of lattice crusts. I did a lattice crust on the first one and some of the apples didn’t cook completely. So, in the second pie I made and the pictures you see, I decided to take the liberty and bake this pie as a double crusted pie. I like the idea of the apples and fruit being steamed to perfection inside the two crusts. I did make this pie in a 9-inch glass pan. A stoneware deep dish would also work, just increase the cooking time a bit.  This pie is so delicious.  The fruit sliced and diced to perfection and the blend of pecans and cranberries, this pie will remind you of a mincemeat pie.  You will find yourself sneaking to the kitchen for just another small slice and before you know it, the pie is gone!!  Enjoy!!

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